Happy Journey Care Home
Happy Journey Care Home offers the highest standards of excellence in assisted living services. This is a unique project to help Happy Journey Care Home audited and redesigned its website that provides the best user experience and solves the needs of the seniors. The design challenges are not only the look and feel of the website but the accessibilities, such as the ease of use and the choices of font, color, content, images, videos for the seniors since they will be the target visitors. As a UX designer, I keep myself to stay empathetic and wear the shoes of the seniors when I am designing for them.
Design Process
• It started with gathering all the assets and contents from the initial website including logo, copy, screenshots, and found new icons before I create the new wireframes for the new design.
• I conducted a bit of competitive analysis with other senior care homes in the same area to help me understand and narrow down the most important needs of the seniors for the particular locations.
• The new images/videos are provided by the owner of the care home and I spent most of the time on reorganizing all the content, designing the layout, and photo-editing.
• As I have the control of customizing the entire website on Wix, I made changes directly on the website. There are global settings and customize settings for each page. The girding style of the images is one of the design challenges.
• Page to page comparison between old and new design and launch testing before it was published. It is modified at least 5+ times to make sure there are no spelling mistakes, tune sounds right, text large enough, images are pixel perfect, etc. in order to satisfy all the accessibility needs and reactions of the visitors.
• Be mobile friendly. Fit the design and content into the mobile view as well.
Desktop Design Overview
There are a total of 5 pages with 2 subpages. I used image > text strategy for the seniors.
Mobile Design Overview
Home Page
By comparison, the new home page brings a bright and fresh welcome to the visitors with a banner showing the actual look of the care home. All the images/videos being used on the redesigned website reflect and capture the realistic facilities and living from the senior care home (avoiding using stock images makes a huge difference).
Adding personalized characteristics of Happy journey Care Home will make it stand out from the standardized services that other care homes provided. Also, showing videos on highlighted services can make the visitors stay longer on the website and curious about the current living of the seniors in Happy Journey Care Home.
About Page
Again, using a banner as an introduction of a new page and vertical layout on all the pages to make it look consistent. Utilize the space and typeface to make the information scannable with a comfortable feel.
Services Page
The is a new page I added so there is a navigation for the seniors who specifically come to learn about the services that the care home offers. The reason why the particular services did not tag under each image is that I do not want the current seniors to feel offended by some sensitive services the care home provides, such as "Mobility Assistance, and Maintaining Continence".
There is a banner with CTA at the bottom of each page for the seniors who wanted to make immediate action.
Gallery Page
The quality of the images is really important if the care home wanted to show a tune of excellent. I separated the gallery pages intentionally with 2 subpages to distinguish two care homes that are in different locations to avoid any confusion. I spent the most time picking the images that show different angles and playing around with the perspective that sticks closest from mocking a person walking from the entrance to each part of the care home.
I add spice to all the photos by increasing the brightness and saturation. Some of the photos are sharpened to prevent the blur or pixelized look.
Contact Page
Providing clickable links triggers the actions in a new window.
The video aims to show the harmony between the seniors and the caregivers. It is cohesive with the home page and section of "Meet Our People" before the visitors are leaving the website. The visual content also encourages the connections between the people.
The map is helpful to show the locations and distance of two care home.
Results and Reflection
The owner and visitors of the Happy Journey Care Home really love the new design of the website and feel proud of it. Not only solving the needs of the seniors immediately with the increased traffic but also empowering the mission of the business to meet the highest standards of excellence.
Through this project, I hope to increase the awareness of ageism in society and help seniors improve their life by finding a care home that serves the needs of what they are looking for. It is important to make the users feel inclusive and get all the support for what they need.
• Photoshop - Photo-editing and mockup
• Adobe Illustrator - Banners
• Wix - Theme customization