A Plus Acupuncture is an acupuncture clinic with professional acupuncturists and massage therapists. I am the designer here to help redesigned the outdated website to a new modern website. The goal is to create a consistency layout and increase the traffic. Besides, I also created banners, flyers, image-editing, and illustration for social media and advertisement materials.
Home Page
The new home page is divided by three sections, and I reduced the total number of subpages to just home, about, and contact. I aimed to minimize the information and increase the effectiveness of what the customer need (CTA) when they visit the website. With the consistency design in colors, images, font, and layout, the new design highlight the most important things and provide a better experience to the visitors.
A is highlighted to emphasize the brand and the excellence of the services. This is the most important section to convince why the customers should come and how we solve their pain. Featured services are the most popular services that most customers come for and would love to learn more.
About Page
Vertical text/image layout help visitors read in order without any confusion. Adding the QR code will help visitors contact the clinic directly, especially for the Chinese customers who use WeChat.
Contact Page
Prioritize the easiest contact method on the top , then the options to email and send questions.
Social Media/ Advertisment
Facebook and WeChat is the main social media platform of A+. Both English and Chinese will be used.
The graphic help visitors understand what A+ do and what kind of target customer they are looking for.
• Photoshop - Photo-editing and mockup
• Adobe Illustrator - Banners, flyers, and illustration
• GoDabby - Theme customization