VDC.cloud is a private small company that provides digital transformation, business transformation, and cloud architecture consulting to businesses of all sizes. I am the UI design lead for VDC.Cloud web conferencing application that will be used on desktop, tablet, and mobile. Not only creating the user interfaces for great user experience, but also digital assets including infographics, illustrations, and app icons across the web and social media platform.

Login Illustration mockup

Live Web Application
Major Content Items
• Login page: Secure login/logout using company email @vdc.cloud and 2FA
• Dashboard: Show the upcoming meetings information and dashboard illustration
• Instant Meeting: The video conferencing conversation screen would take the browser full screen. Icon designs for Screen Share, Record, Audio-only, mute/unmute video, mute/unmute audio and Hang-up
• Schedule Meeting: Select date, time, meeting name, contacts to be involved, set who the lead contact is, confirm, email confirmation sent out with calendar reminder.
• Join Meeting: Join meeting with assigned meeting url/ID. The lead contact will be able to monitor the participants during the meeting. 
• Settings: Edit personal information and customized notification
 Web App Mockup
The final product is designed based on the mockup. 
Web Interactive Prototype
The prototype shows how the user interface, user flow, and user experience of the web app.
May 2020 version
Page 1
Page 1
Page 2
Page 2
Page 3
Page 3
Page 4
Page 4
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Page 5
PAge 6
PAge 6
July 2020 Version
Main illustration highlight the communication and security aspect of the video conferencing app.
Race diversity in all the illustrations depict the multi-culture and friendly working environment. 

Login Illustration

 Dashboard Illustration can be customize by the user. The sample illustration is consistent with login page.

Initial Dashboard Design (This is not the finalized version)

Some illustration will be used in email as a template.  The figure will be pointing at the button. (see below example)

Email Illustration

Email Template Mockup

• Adobe Illustrator - Logo and Illustration
• Adobe Photoshop - Mockup
• Asana - Team collaboration
• Invision - Illustration , Infographics, and Interactive Prototyping
• Sendgrid - Email Template Design

VCD.Cloud Founder - Jahem Leon Henry Ofosu N'Guetta and Lead VCD.Cloud Engineer- Lance

I worked closely with the Founder and the Engineers. Leon assigned task and provided design directions for me to work on front-end, and Lance collaborated well with me on back-end. 

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