01Helix is an intuitive mobile service for compiling medical data gathered in the course of a treatment plan that might be weeks, months, or even years in duration. It uses artificial intelligence and the cloud to deliver faster, more real-time, more accurate, and more affordable healthcare related services. The target users are 2 main stakeholders, including patient and doctor. As the design lead of 01Helix, I am responsible for the UIUX design of the MVP and marketing materials such as social media posts. 

01Helix Application (Light mode)

Interactive Prototype of 01Helix Mobile Application​​​​​​​
Users will be able to select light or dark mode before they login or in the settings. Ideally, the dark mode will help the patient to reduce the pain of headache. (Important!)
Highlighted Features

• There are different types of questions, including Y & N, scaling bars, clicking on images, rolling text, text field, and there is a type/voice option for the user to answer the questions if applicable
• The colors/face/text of emoji will change based on the level of selected pain 
• The date and timeline can swap to change. The results/blue box of the statistic graph below will change accordingly based on the time of the selected date
• The menu bar will slide from left to right when the user clicks the menu icon, and there is a hover effect on mouseover
• On the calendar, the colors indicate the level of pain the user has recorded. The blue dot below the date indicates today’s date, and the blue circle indicates the selected date
• To edit the recorded headache below the calendar, when the user clicks on the edit icon, the selected box will expand and allow the user to make changes and save immediately
• Users can add or delete a headache record, and if the user wants to delete, there will be a pop-up window
• Users can edit their profile, photo, and turn the location on to check the forecast at time of headache
Web Application
Facebook Banner

The features of 01Helix App


• Adobe Illustrator - Logo and Illustration
• Adobe Photoshop - Image optimize and Mockup
• Invision - Interactive Prototyping

I worked closely with Doctor, Founder, and developer to create the mobile application.

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