Since its inception in 1909, Picnic Day has become the crown-jewel event of the UC system and the signature event of UC Davis every year. One of the largest student-run events in the nation, Picnic Day showcases the richness of diversity and achievement at UC Davis and the surrounding community in the areas of research, teaching, service, and campus life. In 2017, the whole community celebrates its 103th year of tradition and success with a theme "Growing Together". 
As the Graphics Director of Picnic Day 2017, I was responsible to design all visuals and graphics identity for Picnic Day, including the logo, posters, sponsorship package, letterhead, schedule of events, t-shirts, frisbee, snapchat filters, social media posts, award certificates, and other materials. I was the photographer of Picnic Day as well in both 2016 & 2017! 
There were over 70,000 attendants on Picnic Day 2017. We published 10,000 schedule of events, sold over 900 shirts, distributed 350 frisbees and gave away 500 buttons!!!
Picnic Day 2017 Board of Directors

My working progress during Sep 2016 - May 2017

Highlights​​​​​​​ of Work
Sponsorship Package
Sponsorship Cover
Sponsorship Cover
Sponsorship Letter
Sponsorship Letter
Sponsorship Introduction
Sponsorship Introduction
Sponsorship Package
Sponsorship Package
Sponsorship Additional
Sponsorship Additional
Sponsorship Package, 8.5" x 11"
Style Guide

Picnic Day 2017 Style Tile

“Growing Together” is symbolized through the cow, since we began as university farm, and through the bike, since UC Davis strived to be sustainable and represented our connection with the city of Davis, which was turning 100 years in 2017. As for the bus, it represented collaboration between the university and the city, and it represented how much the university is student run.

Official Poster

Picnic Day 2017 Poster, 11" x 17"

Promotional Poster/ Flyer
Pre-Week Poster
Pre-Week Poster
Bookstore Poster
Bookstore Poster
Application Flyer
Application Flyer
Pre-week Poster, 11" x 17" | Bookstore Poster, 11" x 20" | Application Flyer, 8.5" x 11"
T-shirt / Tanktop / Sweater
T- Shirt Front View
T- Shirt Front View
T-Shirt Back View
T-Shirt Back View
Women Tanktop Front View
Women Tanktop Front View
Unisex Tanktop Front View
Unisex Tanktop Front View
Bookstore T-shirt | Women Tank top Design | Unisex Tank top Design
Directors T-Shirt Front View
Directors T-Shirt Front View
Directors T-Shirt Back View
Directors T-Shirt Back View
Assistants T-Shirt Front View
Assistants T-Shirt Front View
Volunteers T-Shirt Front View
Volunteers T-Shirt Front View
Directors | Assistants | Volunteer T-shirts Design
Sweater Front View
Sweater Front View
Sweater Back View
Sweater Back View
Sweaters Design (Maroon)
Frisbee Design, 9" x 9"
Cow/House Design
Cow/House Design
Water Tower Design
Water Tower Design
103 Design
103 Design
Earth Day Design
Earth Day Design
Pre-Week Design
Pre-Week Design
Button Design , 2.5" x 2.5"
Snapchat Filters

Snapchat Filters, 1080 x 1920 px

Facebook Profile Frame
Facebook Profile Frame Design, 2.5" x 2.5"
Award Certificates (Total of 17)
Award Certificates Design, 11" x 8.5"
Exhibits Award QR Code 
Exhibits Awards QR Code Design, 20" x 20"
Schedule of Events

Schedule of Events,  11.5" x 13.5"

Board Report

Board Report, 11" x 8.5".  This is a board report wrote for the future Graphics Directors. Full descriptions and details of all the works.

Photo Gallery 
Board of Picnic Day 2017
Board of Picnic Day 2017
Picnic Day Opening Ceremony
Picnic Day Opening Ceremony
Board Meeting (Every Weds 6-8pm)
Board Meeting (Every Weds 6-8pm)
Bookstore Sales
Bookstore Sales
Directors on sweater
Directors on sweater
Board Decorations
Board Decorations
• Adobe Illustrator - Logo, sponsorship package, posters, and all graphics elements etc.
• Adobe InDesign - Schedule of Events and board report
• Adobe AfterEffect - Video 
• Google Drive - Team collaboration 
• Google Form - Team Evaluation 
Assistants: Esther Woo, Regenia Un, Jonathan Hsu, and Allison Hsieh

Other Projects

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