This is a project of kinetic motion design.
Typefaces and Fonts

I chose a music lyrics video called “P!nk – Try“ to learn about the skills of Aftereffect with kinetic motion design. In general, I used a lot of layers of camera and masks to represent the lyrics in different positions, scales, and angles. I used different typefaces for each lyric in this video as each of them has their own characteristics, and I arranged them in a playful way based on the original source. The fun playing of the typography was the main reason why I chose this video and how the lyrics inspired me the most. During the process of making this video, I started with a focal point in the center, and then let the line leads the lyrics to the end, so the audiences will not get lost when there are a lot of words pop up randomly. The process of this video was challenged and time consuming as every second of the motions have to be matched with the background music. It took a lot attention to the details and patient in order to make a successful music lyrics video.
• Adobe Illustrator - Typefaces and ideations
• Adobe AfterEffect - Video